It really does look like a mini tornado swept through my studio. It always looks like this after a stretch of creativity. I get so wrapped up in what I'm doing and don't want to stop to clean up.

It's at the point that I can't stand it any longer. My work space has been reduced to about 6 inches. Fortunately, the pile on my laptop wasn't too bad. I'm afraid I'm going to have to clean it up tonight. Does this happen in your studio too? I tried doing some machine embroidery yesterday but I kept bumping into things as I moved the piece around. The effect wasn't pretty!

I went to my
ATC meeting today. I got there a little late and missed out on some of the trading. These are the beautiful new additions to my collection. As a result of our "Swapped Not Traded" show we had 3 or 4 new artists stop by to see how the group works. It's pretty simple, bring original 2-1/2 x 3-1/2" cards to trade. That's it!

I'm going to
PIQF for three days with Kathy and
Ranell. I'm really excited, it's going to be a lot of fun. We're probably going to visit
Britex Fabric and Chinatown in San Francisco. I'll probably take another 300 - 400 photos, so I'll have something to post when I return!
Yesterday was my 50
th birthday. I'm not sure how that happened, it doesn't seem like that much time has gone by. Does anyone out there have the same birthday as me? I was born in San Francisco, so it's kind of cool going back there so close to my birthday. If I had to live in a large city, San Francisco would be high on my list.
Oh yes! This tornado effect totally happens to me...often.
Happy Birthday! Enjoy PIQF-- what fun travelling companions!!
That's only a mini tornado. I've seen a lot worse!!!
My whole house is my studio and right now it looks like it got hit by Katrina! I'm trying to get things put away. Happy belated birthday! Yes, I will bring the quilt to FV next Sat.
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