Fibervision has a workshop after our business meeting.
Andi led the last workshop which was based on an article in
Quilting Arts by
Jane Dunnewold. If you save your old issues, look in issue 27, June/July 2007. Basically, it is a study of balance between positive and negative space. You start off with a black paper square (or half square triangle), cut shapes, remove the shape, and transfer it to the opposite side of the square or half square. Sounds easy, doesn't it? It can be simple or very complicated and confusing. The two examples below are pretty straight forward, however, I designed two squares that are more complicated.
This one was cut from a half square triangle.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to develop this one into a repeated pattern before my right arm started hurting. Every time I type or use the mouse, the forearm hurts.

This is the only repeat that I was able to finish. As you can see, a simple design can develop into a wonderful pattern.

I love the strong graphic quality and will be doing more as soon as my arm is better. Enjoy!