The bright lights are behind us. We spend our final days on Cape Cod and at Norwich Lake with parents, aunts, grandparents, siblings, nieces, cousins. This is the best part of all, the most relaxing part.
Photography is the only creative outlet I've had during our trip.

A close up of one of my favorite trees at the boat dock (above). The boat dock at dusk (below). The scene was so peaceful and calm. Our vacation was winding down.
I brought a few small projects to work on, but was never in the right frame of mind. One would think that I would be anxious to get back into my studio. Unfortunately, the transition wasn't that smooth.

Then I look down at the leftovers from my circle cutting spree. Out of nowhere . . . Inspiration strikes! The leftovers become the focus of my next microscopic piece. It will be called Inside Out: Hormones.
Stay tuned . . . Next post will show how the leftovers begin to develop.