A few weeks ago, somebody side-swiped my car (with me in it), so I've had quite a few aches and pains that started in my upper back and travelled down to my legs. No fun. On top of that, my daughter is having a problem with her foot and the doctors cannot figure it out. She has had MRI's on every part of her body, EMG's on the nerves in various parts, lots of blood work and a Spinal Tap and still no results. It's pretty frustrating and emotionally draining. I'm waiting to hear what they plan to do next . . . and trying my hardest to stay positive.
On a brighter note, Fibervision had a great turn out for the artists reception at the Architectural Foundation. The exhibit looks fantastic, if I do say so myself.
I did manage to make some ATC's to exchange with my group this week. It felt really good to play with the paint and markers. We had 15 artists exchanging cards this month. This photo will show you some of the cards I made.