I haven't posted lately, so I've got a lot to tell, but I don't want your eyes to glaze over, so I'll do it in bits. My friend Cathi asked me to update my Music
Playlist . . . so I did. If you have a favorite song that you would like included, let me know. If you don't like music playing while you surf, just turn your computer speakers off.
Today I went to the Gunther
von Hagens’
Body Worlds exhibit in Los Angeles. It was truly incredible, unbelievable, amazing, fantastic (choose an adjective), all apply. Basically, cadavers have been preserved with
plastinates; they show all the various muscles, organs, tendons, bones etc. I know, you're thinking that this sounds really gross, but it's not! It's fascinating.

Here's my kids with their 3D glasses before the
IMAX Mummy movie. Interesting story, but it wasn't my favorite, and it certainly didn't need to be 3D. Oh well!

This is the roof/ceiling between the Science Center and the IMAX Theater. It was so cool! Gold balls in various sizes were hanging down from the ceiling and the purple circle is glass, so light pours through it and creates really interesting shadows.