As promised, here are a few photos of my Art Technique fat book trade. The only technique rule was to use recycled or cheap household items. Originally, there were 120 participants, but a couple people didn't follow through with the commitment. I was quite impressed, it's difficult to get 118 people to do anything!
Personally, I think there are way too many pages to be a traditional book, so I decided to punch two holes and use loose binder rings to hold them together. Somebody else in the group put her pages into a box.
On the left, Pat Upton uses alcohol to do an inkjet transfer. On the right, Karen Swiech has a little book in a recycled net pocket that describes how to paint the surface and make the book.
Theresa Ross shows different ways to use hardware store washers. They are really pretty and surprisingly heavy.

On the left, Kathy Swift shows how to dye and layer tissue paper that ends up looking like leather. On the right, Martha Rose Bonds demonstrates how to use aluminum cans for embellishment.
There are a wide variety of techniques ranging from Homemade Alcohol Inks to Recycled Wine Bottle Screwcap embellishments. Definitely something for everyone and a wonderful resource for years to come.