Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'm afraid my life has been taken over by my very own
DIY landscaping project. Just when you think it can't look any worse; you find out you're
soooo wrong. New irrigation, paths and plants weren't enough . . . we've also removed the ledges and ranch style trim. It's looking pretty bare right about now. Yuck!!

Mike is building a new fence and gate. When will it end?? I'm hoping most of it will be done by Christmas. I'm pretty tired of all the mud being tracked into the house. Well, the new paint job probably won't be finished, we may just have to slap a quick coat to cover all the ugliness of the missing trim.

I've managed to bond with a needle felting tool I recently purchased. This little pen can be adjusted to hold three, two or one needle. The instructions were pretty sparse, mostly keep the needles straight and don't stab your fingers. Warning: the needles are sharp! Don't ask.

What do you think about my first piece? If you have any instructions or know of a good link for needle felting, drop me a line. This piece measures 6" x 9", just the right size for a small purse to carry your camera or cell phone. Stay tuned to see if I actually find some time to put it together.
PS: Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mine was fantastic. All three of my kids and one lovely girlfriend came home for the holiday. I'm really thankful that my kids have become kind and thoughtful young adults. Life is Good!