A few exciting things happened this week, but the most exciting is the box that arrived from Dharma Trading. I've been fighting the urge to start a new collection, but I finally gave in. Here's what I bought . . .
Procion Dye, Urea, Sodium Algenate, Cotton/Bamboo, Cotton/Silk fabric and lots of plastic bottles. Score!!! Now I just have to figure out what to do with all of it!! In the past, someone else did the mixing for me. Susan has already sent me lots of info that I'll read during my flight to Chicago next week. We're going to see our 5' 10", 22 year old baby swim in her final college swim meet.

Yvonne Porcella was the guest speaker at our guild this month. I went to her lecture Thursday night and took her silk painting class on Friday. I never painted silk before, so that was really fun. Yesterday, I went to the Road 2 CA quilt show in Ontario, CA. It's been a busy week.
This is one of the new camellia bushes I planted. As you can see, they're doing great. Nothing like a little color in the middle of winter.
The rain started here about an hour ago. The weather report says to expect 6-8" on the coast and 20" in the mountains. At the widest part of town, it's 6 miles from the mountains to the ocean. My house is at the base of the mountain and it's probably 3 miles to the ocean. Remember all the forest fires? Our mountains haven't recovered and 20" is a lot of rain. Keep your fingers crossed!