I thought I would take a few moments to post some of my favorite "scenic" photos of where I live in California. It is located about 10 miles north of Santa Barbara or in the middle of the state, right along the ocean. We (
bloggers) interact with people all over the world on a daily basis and probably don't know much about where we are from. Hope you enjoy the little tour.

This is my favorite park in the downtown Santa Barbara area. There are massive
Koi and turtles that live in the pond. A Blue Heron flew in to fish while I was taking photos. There are many wonderful plants and trees. The tree with the red flowers blooming in the background is called a Coral tree.

This is a sunrise photo at East Beach. It is a popular tourist area and is very beautiful. There is a wharf with shopping and restaurants, a breakwater where you can walk out between the harbor and ocean and a walking/bike path following the beach for many miles.

This is a very interesting photo of downtown Santa Barbara with snow on the mountains. The elevation of these mountains are 2,000 ft. This is the only time in the 29 years that I have lived here that snow has fallen that low. You may be able to see all the Spanish architecture, red tiled roofs and palm trees.