I actually finished these ATC's early. I really enjoy experimenting with different mediums, but this month I decided to use some left over pieces of fabric from my Revision challenge and scrap basket.

For the base I used a sheet of stiff felt and arranged my fabric strips on top. I covered the whole piece with yellow shimmer tulle and did an allover meandering quilting stitch.
I cut the the finished cards (2.5 x 3.5"), stitched each one with an additional linear pattern and satin stitched around the outside edge.
Now I need to get back to fabric painting for the Fibervision exchange and Seminole Stips for the Blockhead exchange.
Greetings Judy,
I love your work! I'm not sure what ATC means, could you enlighten me? Your colors are rich and I enjoy seeing all the different experiemental pieces. I look forwared to seeing more of your work (I've subscribed to your blog).
Hi Rebecca:
ATC stands for Artist Trading Card. I meet with a group of artists to trade handmade cards. Anything goes!
I LOVE to meet new artists and view YOUR blogs. Please leave comments, I really want to hear from you!
I love these. Beautiful.
Oo! You just gave me a good idea! I love when you do that!
PS-- I also love the disgusted and puzzled looks I'm getting from DH when he sees all the used dryer sheets on my studio table--- hee hee!
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