I would like to start teaching some classes locally. I'm planning to teach a variety of stenciling and printing techniques. It's a lot of work to get all the samples and directions made up. I hope it works out.
Kathy and I are driving to Long Beach in the morning to the first IQA show. Many of our friends are already there; Susan Italo is giving demonstrations on how she makes her beautiful jackets and I'm hoping to meet up with Ruth Rae in the QA booth. I want to check out the Stewart Gil paints I keep hearing about. I'm excited, it's going to be a lot of fun!
How much money do you think I'll spend? Hmmmm . . . that would be a good contest. I'll give a prize (unknown at the moment) to the person that guesses the closest amount. Even though it seems like I own every product ever made, I keep finding more to buy. Why is that??
so glad you're happy with it Judy! Have fun at IQA!
Here's my guess.....$327.63.
All that good stuff adds up quickly. *S*
That is a nice journal you received from Sue.
Have fun at the show and remember that you'll only be sorry, if you don't buy it. $250.
Congratulations on winning one of Sue's journals. Was great to meet you at the show. I will guess 420.00 but don't ask what I spent,
I don't want to see it in print.
Glad you reminded us about the contest - I missed that last paragraph of the post - guess I stopped reading when the jealousy overtook me seeing that you got that great journal from Sue!
As for how much you spent, I can only base it on what I might spend at a show so I'mm guess $370
I love the work you do, have no idea what the $ conversion rate would be but I would spend $300 so hope htat is the sum you did!!
Ok... hhmmmm, 500 vendors at the show?? I'l say you spent $350.00
Love the drawstring bag!
I guess $525, love the journal from Sue.
I guess $100.
Have I told you how much I enjoy your blog, Judy? I check it at least a few times each month in between FV meetings. Glad to hear you had a good time in Long Beach. Surely you didn't spend less than $254, did you? More I could believe, but that's my best guess!
humm, i'll guess $325.00
500 vendors, really? If I were there I'd be humming "If I had a Million Dollars" all day, that's for sure! Let's see ... are you the spendy type? I'll guess $415.
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