I kid you not . . . it's a banana slicer! Have you ever heard of such a thing? Do you really need a special tool to slice a banana? Hmmmm.
I looked down the grocery store aisle and spotted this thing hanging on a display. I had to take a closer look, and the longer I looked, the more convinced I was that I had to own this. Am I crazy? Yeah, I am, but I'm thinking that I could print some pretty cool bananas with this tool. I'll let you know how it turns out, you too may have to own one! LOL

And here's the biggest project of them all. Did you notice that the trash is gone? We have plants in the ground now. Yeah!! I still have more to plant next weekend, but 90% are done. See the new gutters and the new fence and the new paint job? We still need shutters and decomposed granite paths, but the worst is behind us. Finally!
The house looks good-the work worth it.
Your fabrics are wonderful, and the technique book a great idea.
A banana slicer? It looks like it should be used to stamp fabric.
A banana slicer? Really? UUhhhh...do you have to have the exact size banana to make it work? Seems like it would be more work than just slicing it with a table knife but to each his own!
Judy, came across your blog while surfing through the many, many craft blogs out there and have enjoyed reading through it.
Thanks for the posts!
Oooh, I love all your new plants. The house looks really great. The sun dyed fabrics look yummy. Maybe you could make fabric beads with those scraps. The banana thing, humm....try it in some molding compound?
Oh, man, now I am going to be tempted to buy fruit-specific slicers???
Your house looks great - are you feeling like it was worth it yet?
Those fabric reciptients are pretty darned lucky.
Hi! I just wanted you to know I have been enjoying your playlist all morning! We definately have the same taste in music. Thanks for putting it together! susi
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