Here it is . . . the long awaited patio. 1,000 square feet of outdoor living! Yippee. The black flower pots are covering the metal thingees that will hold the posts for the future pergolas, one over each door.

The patio came out better than I imagined. I'm thrilled because rarely does anything live up to my imagination.

After talking to the owner, Jose, his biggest problem is when the customer doesn't know what they want or can't communicate it clearly. Obviously, I didn't have that problem. They took my basic idea and ran with it.

If you ever need concrete and live in southern CA, call Martinez Concrete & Pumping. They are a fantastic team.

My DH likes to assign labels to everything, he calls this giraffe! I hadn't thought about it, but I guess it does. LOL
We will seal the giraffe next week which will bring the color out even more. Right now it looks aged, and we really like it. I hope it looks good once it's sealed. Knowing me, I will drop paint on it. It's not a matter of IF, it's a matter of WHEN. I don't want to deal with guilt, so we'll seal it right away.
So happy it came out even better than you imagined it would! Enjoy it.
This is going to be so much better than the water park would have been!
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