If I think there is any possibility of a fabric working, I take a photo. For some reason, looking at the choices on the computer really helps in the decision process. Does it takes the emotion out of the decision? I'm not sure, but it works for me.

Here are some backgrounds that I chose for the "Hormones" piece I showed previously. I would love to hear your opinion, good or bad. Maybe you hate them all.
Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

All of the backgrounds are either hand-painted or hand-dyed by me.
it's a toss up between 2 and 3 I really like all 4 but 2 and 3 are my favs.
I like #2 best,even the hormones look like they are raging. 3 is my second favorite.
It was interesting to look at the backgrounds, pick my favorite(s) and THEN look at the "comments" -- funny how we all chose the same ones (#2, then #3)-- We must all have either BEEN THERE are going through it now!
I vote for #2.
I like #3 best with 4 a close second.
I love #4 because I love those colors but I am picking #3. There is just something about that piece that draws you to it.
I like number 2 best. I think the motion in the background fabric, coupled with the intensity of the colors, makes it most "hormonal".
The first one shows the greatest contrast. The green is the most subtle. Depends on what effect you want.
I like no 1 and 4 although the greeny shades in 4 are probably a bit calming for 'hormonal'......
My vote is for #4, and then #1. I think that 2 and 3 are too busy and the "hormones" get lost. Just my opinion FWIW.
Love #2!
I like #4 (obviously), but #1 is nice too.
To my eye, #1 & 2 look too separate, just splatted on top of something else. #2 is too dark (at least on my screen). #3 is interesting -- the red appearing figural almost; interesting fit with the title "Hormones". Altho #4 looks underwater (so I don't know how that works with the title), it integrates back- & fore-ground very nicely. I LOVE YOUR ORIGINAL FABRICS and you are REALLY getting that "layered" technique down well! Lorna M.
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