Can it be true? I actually finished some old projects. First, was the log cabin that now resides with my son in Topanga Canyon. Next in line were a couple of small wall quilts which I forgot to photograph, and the latest is this wonky 9-patch baby sized quilt.

I really like the cheerful colors in this one.

Here's a close up showing the wonky quilting. It feels great to finally get this finished.

And here is the next pile of quilts I'll be working on. I backed all of them with batting and added a ton of safety pins. A couple of years ago, I started quilting through the top and batting only. No backing. I do a fair amount of quilting and like the stability that the batting provides. When I finish all the stitching, I sew all the layers together, all the way around, with no opening. I cut an X through the backing layer and flip the whole thing inside out through the X. I quilt around some of the major areas, cover the X with a label or with the hanging sleeve and it's done. I'm not sure how long I'll continue to use this method, but for now, it suites me just fine.
Does anyone else out there quilt through two layers? I'm sure I can't be the only one!
1 comment :
Most of my quilts are journal to small wall quilt size...usually no bigger than 25" square. I sandwich my quilts with a light weight fusible interfacing (instead of backing...the fusible part does NOT face the batting...then I pin and quilt. Now comes the backing...cut large enought to wrap to the front to form a mock binding. When the mock binding is done, the quilt is done...I then turn the quilt over backside up and carefully iron the back down to that fusible facing. This keeps the back from 'billowing.' For journal quilts I fuse the interfacing to the batting. Using the interfacing cuts way down on the batting lint going into the machine!
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